Opportunities for Ministry Partners
Here is how you can help:
The Coaching Division
The Coaching Division addresses the need we all have to improve what we do to serve the Lord and our community. If you or your organization has an interest in coaching individuals and you have specific gifts and training in an area that helps individuals in our community, we may offer you an opportunity to be a blessing to our community. In the event you have a passion to help others, but are not sure what you can do, we have members of our GMI team who may be able to help you identify and develop your gifts and calling. If you have an interest in Coaching, please tell us about your ministry and feel free to ask questions about GMI. Please contact us.
The Consulting Division
The Consulting Division addresses the need that every church or organization has to improve what they do to serve the Lord and our community. If you or your organization has an interest in helping organizations like churches, faith-based ministries, schools and other non-profit organizations, please let us hear from you. Although we are primarily recruiting individuals who already have identified their specific gifts and training that qualifies them as consultants, we are also interested in helping anyone who has a passion to serve the Lord in this way. We can help with training and gaining certification as consultants. If you have an interest in Consulting, please tell us about your ministry and feel free to ask questions about GMI. Please contact us.
The Communication Division
The Communication Division addresses the need that every community has to connect the people of the community with each other and with the various organizations and resources that are available to help them. One of the great challenges of the explosion of technology is the need for credible sources of information that we can rely on to meet our needs or inform us about important events taking place in the community or in the world. Other media sources are largely unregulated and easily manipulated.
In order to address this problem, GMI is a local organization that you can personally verify as to our integrity. Thus, we are recruiting individuals who have gifts and skills in the area of communications and the media to help us create a credible source of information. If you personally know of organizations or individuals who are trusted sources of information or help, please tell us about them. If you have an interest in this vital area of ministry, tell us about yourself and ask any questions you may have about GMI. Please contact us.