Board of Advisors
These local volunteers bring many years of experience and faithful service to the Lord to help us develop training events, Christian ministries, resources and relevant community services that can bless individuals, local churches and other nonprofit ministries in our community and throughout the world.
Scott Smith
Chairman of the Board of Advisors
Scott also serves as the Minister of Discipleship at Lakewood Baptist Church in Gainesville, Georgia. He and his wife lead a very unique and effective ministry focused on Millennials. They currently have close to 200 of these young adults involved in small group home Bible studies and especially focused Sunday School classes.

Dawn Smith
Dawn also serves with her husband Scott in the Ministry of Discipleship at Lakewood Baptist Church. They have found that there is a great need for solid Christian married couples to lead ministries to Millennials. Together they demonstrate what a biblical-based Christian family believes and practices.
Rev. Larry Anderson
Rev. Larry is a co-founder of Youth Outreach United. The outreach has developed a number of cooperative programs with metro Atlanta churches to reach unchurched youth and young adults who live in ethnic communities. Prior to his present ministry, Larry was regional director for Youth For Christ in Atlanta and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Rev. Scott Gilstrap
Rev. Scott is Minister of Youth at Highlands United Methodist Church in Gainesville, Georgia. Prior to this Scott was the pastor of an Assemblies of God church in Gainesville.